


Dominate your industry & catalyze next-level growth without losing yourself along the way.

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To the accomplished business owner whose words can launch products, shift markets, and create opportunities for thousands:

In the eyes of your industry, you’re a trailblazer and a titan.

In the eyes of your competition, you’re a threat.

Your acumen is unquestioned.

Your authority is unparalleled.

And yet …

While you’re devoting yourself to your employees…

Delivering value to your customers…

Driving stock prices for your board…

And demonstrating growth for your investors…

You regularly skip meals, lose out on sleep, and miss precious moments in your children’s lives.

Justifying it as a necessary sacrifice. As a necessary part of what it means to be a leader.

But trust me when I tell you:

The weight of everyone else’s dreams is not one you were meant to bear. Especially when you’ve put your own on hold.

Ask yourself these 3 questions here and now:

What are you doing just for YOU without thinking of others first?
Where are YOU in your relentless, thankless whirlwind of a schedule?
Who are YOU beyond your reputation, your revenue, and your results?

I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re struggling to answer.

…If you still feel like you’re holding back.
…That your business has become your identity.

Ask yourself these 3 questions here and now:

What are you doing just for YOU without thinking of others first?
Where are YOU in your relentless, thankless whirlwind of a schedule?
Who are YOU beyond your reputation, your revenue, and your results?

I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re struggling to answer.

…If you still feel like you’re holding back.
…That your business has become your identity.

“Cause the truth is, there are people in your life right now who are knowingly or unknowingly invested in keeping you the same.”

It could be your coach who doesn’t want you to take your foot off the gas…

It could be your client who doesn’t want their future with you to change…

It could be your spouse who doesn’t want their comfortable life threatened.

They either pushed you to hustle like Elon Musk or implored you to humble yourself like Mother Teresa.

No matter who has a stake in your stagnation or starvation…

No matter why no one else was willing to tell you, let me assure you here and now:

It’s not only okay to choose yourself… It is absolutely critical.

Because you have rights as a CEO. You matter.

And you deserve to put yourself first.

You deserve to have it all.
You are one of the most extraordinary people in the world – you have influence, intelligence, success, accomplishment, money…

Arriving here is a crossroads moment…

I give you full permission to make a selfish choice today – that YOU come first.

So own it unapologetically, claim all you desire, and…

Let’s. Go. Get. It. Together.

I have done this for myself and countless others like you.

I have lifted them to extraordinary heights.

And helped them build the legacy empire that dominates their industry and changes the world without compromising their needs.

On that journey, we’ll solve your growth problems, your structural issues, your processes, and your strategy. Of course we will.

But so much more than that… you’ll do the one thing that makes having it all truly possible:

You’ll find YOURSELF.

“You can lead a business that puts you first. A business that is no longer your identity, but a catalyst for limitless choice & freedom.”

See why the most coveted companies and legendary leaders count on

Nicole’s profound expertise has positioned her among the elite TOP 2% of business leaders in North America, with over 500 clients to her name.

In the course of her celebrated 18+ year career, Nicole grew two national companies from the ground up.

This unparalleled commitment and skill has culminated in her being honored with a Doctorate of Philosophy in Entrepreneurship & Business Administration and cemented her as a world-class business advisor and growth partner for elite executives.

Nicole has been instrumental in launching hundreds of new firms, profoundly impacting the lives and businesses of thousands of entrepreneurs.

She believes deeply in building legacy empires that produce massive results without sacrificing the well-being of their founders.

If you’re a seasoned entrepreneur who’s ready to take your business and life to unprecedented heights, Nicole’s legacy is the beacon lighting your way, illuminated brightly by the success she so gloriously embodies and so generously shares.


Nicole has the rare ability to change the trajectory of your life in one conversation. That's what she did for me, and I will be forever grateful.

— Priya Devalia

Founder of Extreme Breakthrough™ & Intuitive Branding International™

Your businesses & brands have changed the world…

Now it’s time change yours with Nicole’s YOU Centered Entrepreneur Methodology:

Backed by nearly two decades of in-the-trenches experience, this is the bedrock upon which Nicole begins her transformative work & guides others to unleash unprecedented growth.

Remove the binary

Most think they have to choose between the big company (money & legacy) and their ideal lifestyle (family & selfcare), but you can have it all.

Clarify the vision

Get crystal clear on exactly what “having it all” will look like and which parts of your former vision were in or out of alignment with having it all.

Optimize the model

With a fully-aligned vision, we can now begin the bold & beautiful work of optimizing your business to reduce friction and maximize your results.

Cutting-edge expertise leveraged by the most innovative minds on Earth.

The work we’ll do — it’s true innovation — a bastion of brimming profit & possibility.
Imagine being the first one to the playing field…

Cashing in on opportunities before your competition even knows they exist…

Not just raising the bar but becoming it.

It’s all possible when you put yourself first.

Join us to move your business forward without leaving yourself behind.

“Your testimonies, trials, and tribulations made me realize that when you are meant to do something or be someone, you can’t run from it. You have taught me so much and it’s incredible how much you can learn from one person. I have gained a mentor and a friend.”

— Jazmine Charles

“You helped me to increase my self-confidence and adopt a YES attitude.”

— Raven G

“Your testimonies, trials, and tribulations made me realize that when you are meant to do something or be someone, you can’t run from it. You have taught me so much and it’s incredible how much you can learn from one person. I have gained a mentor and a friend.”
— Jazmine Charles
“You helped me to increase my self-confidence and adopt a YES attitude.”
— Raven George

“Your most boundless business & best life becomes possible when you put yours first without apologies or justifications.”

And this is what you have the power to do today.

To experience a new paradigm of possibility
And close that gap for good.

The gap that separates all you’ve done and all you have the potential to be.

Because you deserve this, my friend. You always have & always will.
You deserve to put yourself first.
To be the best in EVERY area of your life…

The best leader to your business, partner to your spouse, and parent to your kids.

Without worrying about letting your loved ones down…
Losing yourself in a sea of asks & expectations…
Or never living up to all you know you can be…

This is a critical moment for you.
Don’t let it be too late.

Choose here and now to put yourself first.
To take my hand.
To have it all.

And together, build the business ONLY YOU can build.

The one that’s been waiting to come to life.
The one that’s been waiting to close the gap.
The one that’s been waiting to set you free.

I am ready… Are you?

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